Rapid Reaction: March 2023 Fed Decision

Are you looking for an explanation after the Fed’s recent March decisions? Look no further! Peter J. Schaefer, CFA, CFP®, and Connor R O’Brien, CFA, met this afternoon to discuss various topics related to the Federal Reserve and market behavior in their most recent Rapid Reaction video. Among the topics covered were the decisions of the Federal Open Market Committee, how they compared to market expectations, and the changes to the previous FOMC statement over time. Our hosts also explored the concept of a dovish hike and how Secretary Janet Yellen upended expectations with her actions. The hosts also delved into using a Fed spectrometer to analyze market trends and predict future movements, as well as the importance of an economic calendar in staying informed about market events.

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If you are a Legacy client and have questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Legacy advisor. If you are not a Legacy client and are interested in learning more about our approach to personalized wealth management, please contact us at 920.967.5020 or connect@lptrust.com.

This information has been prepared by Legacy Private Trust Company for informational purposes. Any opinions expressed herein represent our current analysis and judgment and are subject to change. Actual results, performance, or events may differ based on changing circumstances. No statements contained herein should substitute for professional legal, tax, or other specialized advice.

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