Connor R. O'Brien

Vice President & Trust Investment Officer

Connor O'Brien

Connor O’Brien, a seasoned professional in the financial industry, joined Legacy as a Trust Investment Officer in 2021. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison with a focus on finance, and holds the highly respected Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) designation. Before joining Legacy, Connor honed his skills as a portfolio manager for a large regional bank, assisting clients with asset allocations, tactical portfolio adjustments, and security selection.

Outside the professional sphere, Connor is an avid hockey player. When winter comes around, he can be found participating in men’s league or pickup hockey games. During the summer, his passion shifts to the golf course. In addition, he and his wife, Carmen, share a love for live music, often attending local music events such as the Mile of Music, and concerts by major touring musicians.

Connor extends his love for music to his community service, serving on the board of Appleton Community Music, Inc., a nonprofit supporting original music in downtown Appleton and the Fox Valley. His family life is equally enriching; he and Carmen are proud parents two children. His multifaceted life exemplifies a blend of professional dedication, personal passions, and community involvement.

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